If I could only pass on one piece of advice to anyone, it would be to travel alone. I understand that it may be more expensive, even lonely at times, and unsafe for some folks. However, I believe that the rewards of being by oneself greatly outweigh the risks. 

What benefits come to mind? The freedom of thought and how underrated it is. Through endless hours in the car or on the trail, I find myself thinking about nothing and everything. The pure “nothing” of enjoying the calm of my own presence. I don’t have to or need to think about taking care of anyone else. 

Then there is also the everything. 

Traveling alone gives me the space to go through the thought and emotions of what I am struggling with. I can feel and let flow. No extra eyes or extra opinions. For me, I can only seem to find this “everything” thousands of kilometers away. And by myself. 

Because of this time spent solo and in unique, joyful, and even sometimes scary situations, I found a few things…

I found confidence, genuine joy, unwavering appreciation, endless gratitude, and an enthusiasm for more life. A better life. Through my travels, I have come to understand that I, at the end of the day, am the only one who can contribute to a better life for myself through thoughtful choices and actions. 
In our own everyday life, we give so much of ourselves to the world. Through traveling, the world gives us something in return.

I implore you to find and feel your nothing and everything.

You might return home with more than what you came with.

Travel. Alone.


At Water's Edge